SUGARLESS gum is allowed if you DO NOT have any bonded appliances for example upper or lower expanders, Herbst, or Forses.
Hard foods may do damage by bending wires, loosening cement under the bands and/or brackets. Sticky foods may damage appliances by bending wires and pulling cement loose. Avoid foods high in sugar content whenever possible. If you do eat any of them, eat them only at the end of a meal and brush your teeth immediately. If it is not convenient to brush, then always rinse your mouth with water after eating very sweet foods like candy and soda. Damage to braces may result in treatment taking longer to complete.
Patients that participate in sports that require a mouth guard should ask us about an orthodontic mouth guard. In case of any accidents involving the face, be sure to check your mouth and the appliances. If any appliances are loosened or damaged, contact our office immediately.