Your teeth are an essential part of your appearance. A healthy mouth results from consistent flossing, brushing and rinsing. However, tartar, bacterial accumulation, and other disorders may lead to oral health complications that make it challenging to access hard-to-reach places. Your gum, teeth, and mouth will receive dental care by visiting the best orthodontists Waterbury, CT. Get in touch to schedule an appointment to maintain your overall dental hygiene.
We love helping our patients receive excellent dental care in Waterbury, Connecticut. We offer the expertise, knowledge, and resources you need to maintain healthy gums and a beautiful smile. Our expert doctor, Dr. Bennet Galperin, and staff provide excellent services to our team. Our office has the latest technology and tools to provide dental treatments. We offer comprehensive and affordable treatment plans for ensuring excellent dental health. Our expert orthodontists repair your smile, provide braces and Invisalign to correct teeth alignment and perform other routine dental procedures.
OMG Smiles provides care for everyone because we recognize that each patient has a unique set of demands. Therefore, we give the highest respect to every individual case. Our Invisalign and metal braces are accessible to all patients.
Our team is always available to assist patients, whether they need cleaning, a dental checkup, or braces/Invisalign. For Connecticut families, OMG Smiles offers high-quality Waterbury orthodontic services at affordable prices. So please schedule an appointment today to get the best dental advice from Dr. Galperin and the orthodontic team. Our central office is in Waterbury, CT.
Call us today to schedule an appointment. We are just a phone call away. Dial or Text Us At (508) 348-7178!