Invisalign OMG Smiles

The best accessory anybody can wear is their smile. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, straightening crooked teeth can improve oral health and raise self-confidence. At OMG Smiles, we recognize the power of your smile, and we’re dedicated to delivering solutions that brighten your smile and improve your quality of life.

One of the surest ways to transform your smile is by aligning your teeth using clear aligners or invisible braces. Invisalign is a prominent invisible aligner brand created in 1997 and is now widely used to correct a wide range of dental issues. The major appeal of this treatment option is how subtle and barely noticeable it is. Here’s how we help clients brighten their smiles using Invisible aligners at OMG Smiles.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear, removable pair of plastic aligners that gradually straighten and correct your teeth. Invisalign delivers a straight smile straightening crooked teeth without using wires and brackets, which is the case with traditional metal braces. The transparent trays are built from flexible, clear plastic and a medical-grade polyurethane resin. Adults and teenagers who want to improve their dentition and smile can consider Invisalign treatment as a less obvious alternative to metal braces.

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign is an efficient form of dental treatment with a 96% patient satisfaction rate. Patients who have undergone the treatment at OMG Smiles often report benefits both in terms of the appearance and functionality of their teeth. In addition to making your smile more beautiful, the following are some of the benefits of Invisalign.

• Healthier Gums and Teeth

Using Invisalign is a healthy way to restore your teeth. Because the aligners are detachable (rather than fixed permanently like traditional braces), you can clean them easily and clean your teeth as well to get rid of food residue.

• Invisalign Is More Comfortable

Traditional metal braces sometimes cut and dig into your lips and cheeks. They also have to be adjusted more often, and your mouth will be sore with each visit to the dental clinic. Invisalign aligners are custom-made with smooth edges that fit precisely into the ridges of your teeth. While you may feel a slight discomfort each time you switch to a new tray, the discomfort is minimal.

• Uninterrupted Daily Routine

With Invisalign, you don’t have to disrupt your everyday routine or change your diet. There are fewer orthodontist appointments and less treatment time; unlike other straightening techniques, Invisalign requires fewer checkups, saving you time and energy.

• Boosts Self-Confidence

One of the most noticeable features of your body is your teeth. Clear aligners correct your teeth while remaining undetectable. It’s a huge confidence booster for people who are self-conscious about their smile and worried about getting braces.

Getting Invisalign Treatment at OMG Smiles

Our Invisalign treatment at OMG Smiles has transformed the smiles of so many patients. We serve residents in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. OMG Smiles has a team of Invisalign-trained orthodontists on staff that has worked with several patients who attest to the long-lasting and efficient results of Invisalign treatment. We offer a quick and convenient treatment procedure that you’ll find super convenient.

Our Process

Although Invisalign is a simple and straightforward way to correct orthodontic issues, it still has to follow a structured and well-planned approach for it to be effective. While results may start to appear after six weeks, your entire treatment may take up to 12-18 months. Here’s what our Invisalign treatment process at OMG smiles looks like:

• Consultation With an Orthodontist

The first step toward receiving Invisalign treatment is a consultation with a skilled orthodontist. At OMG Smiles, we offer a free consultation with a professionally-trained specialist to evaluate your teeth, gum, and overall dental structure and determine whether or not Invisalign is right for you. While Invisalign treatment is effective, it doesn’t work for everyone, which is why this stage is important for every patient.

• The Orthodontist Approves Your Treatment

Once you get an “all-clear'' from your orthodontist, x–rays, impressions, and photographs of your teeth are taken to create your personalized treatment plan and a custom-made Invisalign aligner tray for your teeth.

• The Team Creates Your Treatment Plan

With x-rays and photographs of your teeth, the OMG smiles team will create a virtual treatment plan. The treatment plan shows how your teeth are likely to adjust over time as you use the braces.

• Wear Your Aligners

Your invisible aligner is a line-up of aligner trays that fit over your teeth and move them just a fraction of a millimeter until they reach their final position. After receiving your Invisalign aligner, you are expected to wear the aligner for 20 to 22 hours a day to achieve desired results within the stipulated period. While you might experience mild discomfort at first, don't panic, your teeth are only adjusting to change and will adjust in no time. It usually takes one week to get used to the Invisalign aligners.

• Visit for Your Regular Checkups

You will be expected to return periodically for new aligner trays that will help your journey toward a new and flawless smile. The scheduled appointments are also meant to check the progress of your treatment. Each time you visit our clinic, you will meet with your orthodontist, where your progress will be examined and recorded. If any adjustments are needed, your orthodontist will inform you and make the proper adjustments. Invisalign checkups are less frequent and less rigorous compared to checkups for patients with braces which is why it’s a lot more convenient.

FAQs About Invisalign at OMG Smiles

How long do I need to wear Invisalign braces?

The Invisalign treatment duration is usually between 12 and 18 months. However, the quality and speed of the results you get often depend on how frequently you wear your braces and attend routine checkups. It is advised to wear your Invisalign aligners between 20 and 22 hours daily. You only need to remove the braces when you need to eat or drink.

How much is Invisalign treatment at OMG Smile?

Generally, Invisalign treatment may range between $3,000 and $5,000, depending on the complexity. However, Invisalign treatment at OMG Smiles costs about $3,998. We charge up to 60% less than what other people charge, and there are no hidden fees or additional charges. Although Invisalign is slightly more expensive than braces, you can’t trade the comfort and convenience of clear aligners for anything else.

When to change Invisalign aligners?

Although you can remove and change Invisalign trays on your own, it is always best to follow your orthodontist's instructions about switching to a new tray. In most cases, you get to change the aligners at intervals of about 2 to 8 weeks, depending on the complexity of the treatment.

How do I clean Invisalign aligners?

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove any dirt or debris on your aligner trays. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and keep in a closed case free from bacteria and germs. It is also advisable to rinse your aligners every night before bed with lukewarm water. Clean the trays when they appear visibly dirty with food or dirt. Failure to clean your aligners regularly will lead to discoloration or bad breath.


With Invisalign, you can adjust the position of your teeth without impeding your ability to confidently flash a pretty smile. It’s hardly noticeable, and your treatment is completely in your hands. To learn more about Invisalign treatment at OMG Smiles, visit our dental clinic or contact us to schedule a consultation.